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Retreats - Testimonials

Retreat: February 1st to 12th, 2023

The way to start my report has to be by expressing a lot of gratitude. The whole structure and vibe is really geared toward introspection. The place meets all the needs. Excellent food and comfortable accommodation. Very attentive and service oriented people. Everything is perfect. That's where the work of each participant comes in.

I came crazy to go through the experience, however, on the first day I saw that the thing was going to be a real challenge. There I saw that the thing was calculated. Giving up was never an option, but I confess that it was a possibility at some point. I had the realization that I am my own main obstacle. I am tiny, a circus in the immensity of the cosmos.

It is very clear how the survival mechanism tries to sabotage you in the face of discomfort. The physical discomfort is the most complicated at the beginning. The work of "overcoming" yourself is the real purpose, of returning here. It is impressive how we create and experience the self-created illusion. Driven by fear and attachment we forget who we are. What gave me hope at one time is knowing that I am eternal. The certainty that I am not what I thought I was and that I have much more work to do internally. All my expectations about the retreat were dashed. I didn't get anything I wanted, but I believe I got a lot of what I needed. Recognizing and feeling my smallness showed and brought me much humility.

The body/mind complex deceives you too much. The illusion is very well done. Consciousness or God is the only reality. Consciousness of being conscious. Going through chaos without seeing chaos. Not making things harder than they are.

Gratitude defines the experience.

Retreat: Retreat January 3rd to 14th, 2023

Thinking about a Meditation and Silence Retreat for 10 days may seem crazy to anyone who is immersed in everyday life. However, when you arrive at the Ashram City of Angels and have contact with the people, the nature, and the vibrant peace that emanates from that place, you quickly realize that the choice of facing the challenge and the madness of stopping everything for 10 days is worth a lot.

However, it must be said that the Retreat is far from being a vacation camp. Meditation is not a fad. It takes respect, devotion, and discipline. The body ached! The head boiled! 10 hours of meditation a day was not easy. However, the daily practice leads us to overcome the challenges that arise. Discipline leads us to improve our technique and to deepen ourselves. Besides being beneficial, it is a spiritual revolution that you experience within yourself. It is still necessary to say about the Satsangs (daily teachings of the Master): they are words of encouragement, strong words that can sometimes disturb you, but that are fundamental to follow in the Retreat and later in life.
Finally, it is important to highlight the kindness, the quality of the accommodations, and the perfection of the food.
All magnificent! Thank you!

Retreat: May 1st to 12th

Imagine for a moment being in a quiet place, away from the noise of the outside world, surrounded by serene nature. During these 10 days I completely disconnected from the outside world and immersed myself in an ocean of silence within. It was a unique opportunity to connect with myself in a deep and meaningful way.

At first, a stillness seemed strange and even a little scary. Without the usual distractions, I drifted away with a controlled mind full of incessant thoughts and worries. But as the days passed, I was able to quiet my mind, find a place with serenity, and experience a sense of inner peace that I had forgotten what it felt like.

Meditating in silence allows us to observe our thoughts and emotions with extraordinary clarity. To realize how often we get carried away in the whirlwind of everyday life, without really realizing what we are thinking or feeling. This deep awareness helped me to become aware of negative thought patterns and limiting emotions.

We often spend our days worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, missing the opportunity to really experience the beauty of the here and now. By being silent and focusing my attention on the present moment, I discovered a wealth of details that usually go unnoticed. The gentle breeze caressing my face, the birds singing in the trees, the fresh scent of nature - all of this took on a new intensity and meaning.

During these 10 days I immersed myself in a process of self-discovery and personal growth. Silent meditation helps me to cultivate compassion, both for myself and for others. By knowing myself better and accepting my own humanity, I can also better understand and appreciate others on their journey.

Today, I come away from this experience with a heart full of gratitude and a calmer, clearer mind. Silent meditation has taught me the importance of creating spaces of stillness in my daily life where I can reconnect with my deepest essence and find inner peace.

I encourage everyone to explore meditation and silence on their own journey.

Gratitude to Ashram City of Angels!

Retreat: June 1st to 12th, 2023

To express in words the greatness of what I have experienced these days here is a challenge in face of the depth felt in my Being.
There is a lot of work to be done.
I have never learned so much that I can remember in this life, in as few days as I have experienced here.
May I honor it all!
Âncora I am very grateful to Ashram City of Angels, to Sriman Narayana and to everyone involved in this egregore for making this work to benefit beings possible here.
I will take with me a little bit of each one.
It is in the silence where magic happens.

Hari Om _/\_

  • Rodapé