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Retreat: retreat from 01 to 12 June 2022

My experience in the Meditation and Silence Retreat in the Ashram City of the Angels was very striking. I left there with the feeling that much of what I experienced during those intense days of internal diving will continue to be assimilated little by little for a long time. I used to say that the retreat “twisted” me, when almost everything was silent around me, I find myself with the noises in my mind, most of time unbearable, when they stop, the feeling of peace was intense, sublime, loving, in such a way that I felt grateful for everything, for my trajectory, for my successes, failures and for being there in that sanga. Today I feel a little bit braver in the face of what life offers and with the absolute sure that I’m still a child with a long way to go in search of the “I Am”.

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  • Rodapé