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Kriya Pranayama - Deepening

“It's all about Divine love: when the lover, the loving and the Beloved become One, that is Liberation!” Sriman Narayana

"Dear Lord, we pray that we can honor this life by constantly serving You. We pray that we honor this mind by constantly remembering You. We pray that we can honor this heart by continuously loving You. Bless us with continuous Devotion." Sriman Narayana

The basis of any serious spiritual practice is Karma (right action), Jnana (right and clear Motivations) and Bhakti (right attitude). After deepening your meditation practice with the first Kriya, it is time to take it to a completely different level. With the deepening of the first Kriya and the purification of mind and senses that follow it, this second kriya becomes possible to practice. Still keep in mind that you need to maintain and even to increase your focus to be able to practice and deepen this second Kriya. In all Spiritual Practice, Devotion and Reverence are key aspects. In this, second Kriya, Devotion and Reverence are the main pillars. May you be blessed enough to go beyond your apparent limitations. Kriya Pranayamas are a set of very effective meditation techniques for those who seek Liberation.

To maintain it's purity, these Silent Meditation Retreats are donation based. First you take part in the Silent Meditation Retreat, then you can donate whatever you feel suitable.

  • Rodapé