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The Spiritual Process

What does this mean “I am not the body?” “I am not the body?” means I am not the body complex, the body-mind complex, individuality, individual. What does this mean to be an individual? Well to be an individual means different identity, having a body, a physical body and mind. And this takes to interaction with other bodies, other minds, the need of satisfaction of the bodily needs, of emotional needs, mental needs. Motion begins.

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“Why the beings have to do penance when the God has already created them "like that." Like that? What does this means “like that”? Like the way you recognize yourself right now? So many things have passed already and if you’re talking about creation, well, as it seems, this “Like that” was not always like that. It was smaller, clumsier and a lot of adjectives can be put on top of this. So since the body is born, you see a lot of things that can be called penance. Life is nothing but penance. But is this punishment, or is it role-fulfilling? From where you stand and the difficulties you seem to encounter, this seem like penance to overcome them.

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Many times seekers come with this Who am I?, making questions of this kind of practice, positioning, whatever you want to call it. That sometimes, over time it becomes mechanical. This is because this standpoint or practice has not been understood yet. You see, Who am I? it’s not about the question, it’s not about remembering, when you ask the question that you remember, that you are Wholeness, that you are Totality. It’s not about this - it’s about FLOW of attention.

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  • Rodapé