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The Spiritual Process

Attitude of the Seeker of Truth

The attitude of the seeker is of fundamental utmost importance. Let me remind you that the quest for Truth is sacred. That what you are trying to unveil is the most sacred. And your attitude must be in tune with this sacredness. And the waiting and the longing for this is to bring this attitude, this correct attitude needed for your Heart to unveil. Without this attitude, without this openness, nothing can come, nothing can flourish. So these days, for most seekers, (most – not all), it’s like going to a library: You choose a book and you pay for it and you’re done with it. So you may get the sentences, you may get the teachings, but you got nothing really, because there is no room for it. For most, as you enter Satsang, for example, you come with your ideas, your world behind you.

You come with an attitude of judging, evaluating and you come with no room to receive anything, absolutely no room. So you’re looking in your little world trying to see, if the teaching is good or the teacher is good or whatever. From this side I see nothing! None there to receive whatever... So what’s left is to give you a punch in your world, in your believes and to see if there is anything worth there that can be saved. You see? And if there is something there, the seeker will feel this strike and will become…will lower his head and will become a little bit open for something. If not, he just continues and puts his chest out and goes away with his righteousness. So this attitude of the seeker.. And behind all these distinctions between the seekers of Truth and seekers of well-being there is only a seeker of Truth, always a seeker of Truth: A more clear seeker of Truth or more confused seeker of Truth. But all are seekers of Truth. But as long as you don’t have this attitude, a clear attitude of the seeker of Truth nothing can be given to you, absolutely nothing.

Because you are the one who is standing in the way. You’re using the knowledge to harden yourself. Not to soften, not to undress but to dress. You see? Specially now in these Advaitic movements there’s a culture and it’s really really impressive how seekers have created a language, a lifestyle according to this and if you use for example – I love to use these words of “effort” and “to do” and “to have to do”, I love to use these expressions, because it’s like forbidden words. We see this, we hear this and the alarm sounds : “No! This can’t be! Word “effort” we cannot use it!” Still for most of you – you just move around and around, and around, around and you have to pay for all of this, and you have to work and strive but still in spiritual sense: “ no effort!”. Hm? It’s a “no effort” in a selected way, selected way.

But ok… The attitude of the seeker of Truth has to be recovered, you see? I understand, I understand by the way the things are now with this so much confusion going around, that this attitude has come. But you see this respect, this humbleness, it is not about the Master. The Master doesn’t need this. It is about YOU and the correct attitude to this. And you see this in all aspects of your human life: Hm? As you move with a wrong attitude, doors will be shut in your face. This is not different, you see? There is a Divine Romance going on, a Divine Romance. Even behind these higher teachings, even behind this – if there is no Divine Romance, you will get nothing, but WAITING. Waiting will always be there, even if you cannot wait directly and you entertain yourself with a lot of things, you’re waiting.

And you’re waiting. Even if you give up and you say: “oh no, now I don’t want any Freedom, I don’t want any of it!” You’re still waiting. And you will continue to wait. And this waiting will be so intense, so intense, that it will create a space of humbleness, of openness needed for your Heart to explode, to reveal. You see? But you have to GET OUT of the way. There’s no point, you see – if you’re going to a Master, you’re going for guidance. So, the one who goes for guidance, surely he has a clear understanding that no matter how much he knows, he doesn’t know the most important. This is why he is moving and going for guidance. So this moving and going for guidance has to be in a correct attitude for this. And if you’re going for the knowledge, information, for the counselling, and than you pick up the information as a way of using it, you lost the most important, this is useless. Guidance is a Love that flows from one point to the other, hm? In that Divine Romance. This is in a simple way Guidance.

It is not what is being said, nothing needs to be said, even, if the attitude is there. So if you don’t have the attitude, you’ll get the information and still nothing. Absolutely nothing. And this dryness, this absence of this Divine Love, of this Divine Romance, you see, and it takes two to dance. So this dryness that is left, gives room for the rest, the rest. Informations, more complicated systems, and you go on peeling a potato that doesn’t have anymore, anything else to be peeled and you’re still peeling it, because there is nothing left. There is no juice, no juice. And this absence of juice.. and don’t go into these ideas of “this Master and that Master” and all of this, it’s about YOU! It’s always about you, you see? When you’re attitude is correct, when you’re following and not deciding, you’ll be taken to where you have to be. And you will see this life of the process arising and then it’s not, there’s no dryness, there’s no dryness… So your attitude as a seeker of Truth, is fundamental, is fundamental, you see? You’re inviting God into your life, into your Heart, you’re trying to merge with God, you’re trying to realize who you are. Different goals apparently, but same end, same end.

Is your attitude suitable with these goals? And “goal” is another word, yes, “goal” is another forbidden word. But still is there. Is your attitude suitable with this? Without changing this attitude, the only that is left is to pile more information and more information and more information and more information. And then you say, no more information, and what’s left? – Nothing. You have to go back to information or you just continue to distract yourself with life, because it is the only thing left. You see? In a way it is good to see if the Master is suitable for you. But you have to do it as a seeker of Truth. Not as a detective or investigator. And the seeker of Truth can only see first, if he is a seeker of Truth. And if he is a seeker of Truth, he will have questions. Not curiosities! Questions. Questions, deep-hearted felt questions. The question that arise from his longing, from his waiting, striving. Even if it is a striving for Stillness, he will have questions. THESE questions, (other questions can be answered by anyone), but these questions can only be answered by the Master.

No one else.…… And behind these attitudes that I have been seeing all over again, all over again, again, again, I can see perfectly crystal-clear ALL the sadness that you carry, behind these attitudes of importance, of an important seeker, sadness, so much sadness. Like these attitudes could make a difference in hiding this sadness. Behind all of that self-importance, sadness – that’s the only thing that is there, sadness. So my advice if you want to take it: Step out! Step out from that podium, come back, regain your attitude of a seeker of Truth. There is no point in moving or talking like a knower of Truth, if you are a seeker of Truth.

You see the word implies. And if you don’t take this seriously, if you don’t take up this to yourself: “I am a seeker”, then nothing is there. You see? And even these words they raise a lot of questions. But I will wait, I’ll wait to see if these questions arise. If they arise, we will continue this topic. Your attitude makes a difference. The basics have to be regained again, regained again, you see? This building yourself, building an image, a spiritual image with these teachings, these selective teachings, (whatever they are), this is no different from what is called a normal human life. It is not different. You see, the teachings, whatever they are, they are there to undress you from yourself, not to make a new self, a new identity. It’s not about that. In the emptiness of yourself, it is there, that you arise. So it doesn’t matter how good you pretend, it will make no difference. Not at all.

~ Sriman Narayana

  • Rodapé