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The Spiritual Process

The Seeker of Truth in the alternative community

`So today I will speak to the alternative community, especially for those who in a way are dedicated more or less to helping the world, to make the world a better place. I will speak to the Seekers of Truth or the ones that have potential to become a Seeker of Truth in these communities. You see? You are very important for the world because you have a lot of visibility. But also the ones that are sincere are facing oppositions, seen and unseen, to an extent that most of you are unaware of. I will not talk about this today, because... or even I won't, because these things... Humm, well... And you see? These seen obstacles they are easier because you can perceive them so it's far more easy to go around them, to go over them. But the unseen ones, they are more difficult, You see? Because they are operating from the intimate space of perception sometimes and sometimes from the unseen, or what is called unseen, realities. Unseen for some, for others it's quite visible. Plus your own difficulties, your own -- how do you say this... resistances towards the path, towards the change, towards the leaving behind values and all of these investments. So, there are a lot of factors, you see? So, for the one who is trying to do this everything becomes more difficult. So... the obstacles will arise more intensely. On the other hand, there is a level of responsibility because where you're standing and the projection you have to the world, you're an example, a visible example.

So whatever you are doing, this is what's marking, making the difference. Not what you are saying. There is a vibration. This is the most important: there is a vibration that most of you have. This vibration is really what makes the difference, not the words. There is a common story, a shared story, with a lot of seekers: that they had a quest, a genuine quest, they got in touch with spiritual teachings, so lights came over, with ideas in how to help others, because they've found a treasure. This is perfectly normal. Then they thought: why shouldn't I live of this? While I'm doing my own work, I'm helping others at the same time? And eventually, this naïve dream collapses in an unseen way. You see? Because all these obstacles that I was talking about they will divert the attention of the seeker he will be dedicated to helping others, but his own personal work, his quest for Freedom is lost in the middle of helping others. Then the struggles for security attention, importance, affection, and all of this slowly, slowly, this is very slowly, in a very subtle way, it is not all at once... Then your days are spent teaching, and preparing the teachings, and taking care of the business, and all of these things, nothing else. So you are talking about new values, you are teaching a way to a better human life, but the deep down core of that life that you are showing it's a worldly life, with the same worries, the same things. Because somewhere along the path you have forgotten the most important thing. I will speak about the world, about its reality, its inexistent reality, latter. Now I'm speaking to those who are focusing on the reality, on the existing reality, the concrete reality. Both are true -- whatever that means.

So if you want really to make the world a better place it's impossible to do so being a part of the problem, being a part of the world. If you don't raise your vibration, your consciousness... These words -- don't get scared -- are for the world believers. There are some of you that understand that you have a path to follow into your quest for Truth, but still, you have a difference to make in this world. But you will never make that difference by being a part of it in the same way. There are things you need to bring to this world: sacredness, reverence, devotion, surrender... to name a few. A higher vibration. This has nothing to do with the words you are giving. Your words and your actions they don't make so much of a difference, they're a script part. It is the vibration. If you're a part of that world, you are part of that world's vibration. I hear this very often. People come and they say that through their work they're raising the vibration.

That is a naïve understanding, especially when you are living an ordinary life with worldly goals. How is your vibration? How does vibration change? But surely if you're teaching those things, those spiritual teachings, well, surely you're practicing them, aren't you? Or you're just running, and taking care of a lot of things at the same time? For worldly people you are their hope, but you have to gain the courage to rise above to live what you have been teaching. You have to be true to arise the fire of the seeker of Truth. Or else it doesn't make sense, you're just increasing the problem, just being a part of the problem, not being a part of the solution. It's not about what you do, but the motivations of what you're doing. They are watching you. You see? I see this a lot: spiritual institutions, alternative schools, and all of these that are coming with a new philosophy. New for them, for the others. For the rest of the world, they are adapting these philosophies to a way that a worldly person can take them. And they keep to themselves the other goals of their philosophies, believing that they will make a difference slowly in people without even they perceiving it, because or else they would get scared, they would run away, they would reject that. But this adapting, is this really because of them? Because of the others? Or is it about your own fears of getting rejected? Or behind your alternative model of school, of community, of whatever, is the same need to make money, to have security, projection, attention, affection? Are you really goodness-oriented? Or money-oriented?

Whatever your real motivations are, this is what you're passing through. Everybody claps in the chest and says: "no, no, this is only for the best". It is true for some, for others it isn't. But for the majority it can be true, but you'll only be able to know it if you question, if you test yourself in a way that only a seeker of Truth can. As you get the courage to raise the carpet, the dirt starts appearing. The seeker of well-being does look and "no, I don't want to see it". The seeker of Truth, he looks at it. It hurts to see. But also there is a joy that arises, because by seeing it I can remove it. Then I can maintain myself faithful to this need to help, to make the world a better place. I am not encouraging anything to anybody, just clarifying. At the vibration level, you see, there is always a fight So all the compromises you are making it is giving in to a lower vibration. You see? There are always struggling. It is unavoidable. Giving in, making conceptions, it is lowering the vibration. If one is lowering, the other one is going higher. So if the spiritual community is adapting the teachings, the courses, the whatever to something that can be accepted by a worldly person it has taken practically everything that was spiritual there and made it worldly. This has nothing to do with helping because that teaching, whatever it was, if it was really spiritual it should have gone in that way, in an honest way, in a pure way. But without its content you're not helping, you're just making things worse. Why? Because she will get the teaching, she will do the same thing she has been doing with everything else, and she'll get frustrated in the same. So in their mind, it is the teaching: "not working". So tomorrow, when she is ready for that teaching, it has passed already. She will not go again into that because the memory says it doesn't work. You have a part, everyone has a part. Everyone is telling a story to the world. It is about each one's vibration. This has nothing to do with judgment, but with opportunity. You see? Speaking to seekers of well-being is very difficult, because all their pains are always at the surface, so whatever it's pointed is a judgment, is a recrimination, an evaluation, a rejection, because they're still in a very childish manner.

For the seeker of Truth to arise, he has to go through his apparent limitations. He will have to face, to a certain extent, his fears, his beliefs about not being good enough, and all these things. Or else, it's difficult to hear something without going to the same confusions. So this is not about recrimination. This is a wake-up call. Most of you, some of you, have taken even vows, are in the front of institutions, spiritual institutions that had an intention behind them, a clear spiritual intention. And you forgot this. Now you're creating social institutions. You've lost the fire. Only the form continues, and expands, expands. The content shrinks, shrinks, shrinks. You have to regain the content, the fire and to be a center of fire for others that come. To be able to really make a difference you have to arise from the water. You're trying to be happy like anyone else. You haven't spent time enough in your own teachings, seeing what they really mean, because their significance will change as you grow. As your vibration increases, as your mind becomes more clear, significance, the meaning, will chance and change and change, Will open new and new doors, until stillness... But this is for another day. Like I was saying, if you spend time enough with your teachings you will know their validity. And their validity is of a short time span, you see? It doesn't last long. For the seeker of well-being, it lasts a long time. For the seeker of Truth, it doesn't. There is no such thing as a right teaching, or a wrong teaching. They suit a specific moment. After they've fulfilled their purpose, they've become obsolete. And this is very fast. This is not about judgment.

Like I said, it is about opportunity. If you really want to help the world as your heart is asking you have to start first with yourself. Even if you're doing something towards the others you cannot stop your own work. The moment it stops, or slows down, or you become entertained with other things, it's gone. It's gone... Whatever you're teaching, you have to test it. You have to see it for yourself, it has to become true for you. If it's not true for you, it means nothing. You're just... Well... It is very easy to forget the main purpose. Very easy. There are a lot of obstacles, seen and unseen, to make you forget. To drag yourself again, to send you to the place where all are. To make your voice just another voice in the middle of the confusion, adding to the confusion. But if you're there you have the potential to rise above all that. It will not be easy. It will take a lot of honesty, a lot of strength to see, to recognize and to change. This is what others are expecting from you.

Worldly people will resist. They want what they want, as anyone else. But they have a chance of seeing something really different, pure. Then something authentic can arise. They will resist, then they will take it. If you're reshaping things, adjusting to the consumers expectations, this has nothing of spiritual in it. The biggest offense that you're making is to yourself. The spiritual quest is never about what you haven't understood, what you supposedly did wrong. Sometimes when these things are pointed, this is what comes to the seeker: "ohh, I did wrong, I did this again, ohh..." This is a waste of time. It is, in a way, the same process, but this is another conversation. For the seeker of Truth it is always about opportunity. So I was doing this wrong, I was doing this for the wrong reasons. Well, that sucks really!! But good. Now I know, I can make different. I can start over. Start over, this is very good because sometimes these structures that have been created become a prison if you're trapped in these needs for recognition, for attention, for importance. Sometimes starting over, just collapsing whatever is there it is very good, very good. So liberating, empowering. If this is for you, don't be afraid of starting over. If it's not for you, then it's not for you. Fine... Don't waste time evaluating. If something is seen as not fitting, not right, change it. If you are not able to change it, don't give up on it. Don't pretend it is OK. Keep it in mind until the point that you're able to change it. But don't stop trying. The world is looking to this alternative community. Is the world becoming more spiritual? Or spirituality becoming more worldly? Humm... OK.`

  • Rodapé