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The Spiritual Process


Surrender, I have been asked about Surrender many times. Surrender is something that only a seeker of Truth can know. It is an exalted state by itself, probably the most highest that a seeker can experience. It is filled with Divine Love. Getting there, this is the problem. Because these questions: "what is the need of Surrender?", "what is Surrender?" Well... if there is any spiritual path really, it is Surrender. All paths lead to Surrender, even the no-path leads to Surrender. Eventually you will see. It doesn't matter how bright, how good, how intelligent, how loving you are, without Surrender you shall not pass, because it is a part of the big play, of the big romance. Where you are now, it will become a need, eventually. Not when you are full of certainties, (just) after you have tested your certainties, not before. Surrender is the door. If you have been listening to these videos -- if you don't, go and see -- about the seeker of Truth, what is a seeker of Truth, you will see that is a very narrow door. It is narrow because not that the door that is choosing, but it doesn't need to be a very big door because there are not so many crossing it.

Surrender is much more narrow, and is just for those who have crossed the first door. Really crossed, not coming to check it out and go away. For those who have crossed it already. I understand the problems that arise for the majority of seekers with this Surrender part, but I am sure that this was caused to you by masters. Are you really sure? Because like I said previously: there are only two types: the knower and the seeker. Cannot be both at the same time. Are you really sure that the attitude that you have towards life, towards Sacredness, are you really sure that this attitude is not really the basis for all these confusions and deceptions? I would reflect more on that. Because there are these expectations these days, and because it is not about the seekers of Truth. These big movements are only getting prepared for this quest for Truth. They are going to the highest, they have jumped to the highest, and they think... but they will be rescued. Frustration will come eventually and it will rescue them back again. So a seeker walks in front of a master, and he expect the master to entertain him, to act as a host (how do you say this?) to make him feel comfortable, well, nice, because he is very important.

He comes full of expectations that he has to be heard, that his opinions have to be validated, and all this... not realizing that he is the one who is coming. For him, the master has to prove him that he is right, that he can trust him, not realizing that he is the one who is coming, he is the one who is in need. If the master is like the seeker, if they are the same level more or less, he will have also expectations, so he has to fulfill the expectations of the seeker or else the seeker will walk away. Boo!! If he is a master, he will probably do the opposite. He will go against your expectations, to make you decide. It is always about decisions, always about Surrender. There is no effective Surrender, it takes long... There is, but takes a long time and going through intense tests, intense tests. There is this idea that if he is a master then he must speak this way, must act this way, all perfect, all nice. And in this and this attitudes that you see if it is or if it isn't. Wow!!

So at the end will you give a prize? You are a master, so I am giving you the prize. Are you really sure that this is the point of all of this? It seems that you have forgotten that you are the one who's in a quest, looking for something. Only the seeker of Truth can see this. Why? Because he is the one who's really on a quest. It is like you have learned, you have become a teacher of mathematics, (and) someone comes to you, has not learned anything about mathematics, and wants to discuss with you mathematics. What is the point of this? It can be a way of learning, but not when it involves the Sacred. There are those who are quite fast to Surrender, apparently. They use Surrender, the attitude of Surrender, the visible attitude of Surrender as a means to an end, to get something. In their mind they believe: "if I show this Surrender, I will get..." whatever they are imagining to be (needed). And this will be tested also, because it's about content. This is about your need, the seeker of Truth. But for him there's no point in saying this, he will figure it out. Others think: "should I surrender? what is Surrender? is it a need or not?" The seeker of Truth, because he is really walking the path, he knows it's unavoidable. Not unavoidable, (but) he surrenders, surrenders and surrenders, and still he has to wait. It is very easy, and I see this all the time: "oh, I surrender... until it fits my goals." If it's going somewhere else that is not aligned with what I'm thinking, then surrender stops and I retake again control. This is the reason why it diverted from what you were expecting. Firstly because it has to divert your expectations (that) have no value whatsoever. Second, because it has to be tested. If your guidelines to maintain surrender are these ones, the master will know this and will go through these ones really to reveal that it was a fake surrender.

Surrender reveals the Divine Romance. But this is only for the exalted ones: the seekers of Truth, the ones who have devoted their entire lives to Truth. They know they have nothing. All these things that they thought they were important -- their lives, even the life of the body -- everything is just given, surrendered. And after going through the path, they will see that this is what they are looking for. Only through Blessing. And there's also a point for this, but there are things that cannot be discussed. Life leads to Surrender. If you haven't noticed that, you will eventually notice. You may demand Truth, you may act like fragile so that Truth can take you in, you may do all sorts of techniques, You can use all sorts of (how do you say this?) strategies, eventually, Surrender is the only door. Everything else you will see that is a wall, a concrete wall, you cannot go through. For seekers of Truth, it is very fast to understand this because they are devoted, completely devoted, they have no other interests in life, they have understood the value of the world. The others, they will get there, eventually. Like I said previously: until Awakening it doesn't stop, the individual experience is continuous. Doesn't matter in which world he is, in which circumstances -- if the physical, the astral, the mental, whatever -- it continues. Eventually, you will get there.

  • Rodapé