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The Spiritual Process

Seekers of Truth - Wake up Call

So... For those of you who have survived the first two videos I will make kind of a disclaimer, you see? I am using these words knowingly, purposely: path, goals, change, transform, doing. What else? Process... I think it covers it, more or less. Some of you get stressed out a little bit with these words. This has a reason. Of course it is not the highest language, surely it isn't. But are you really sure that this is about language? I wouldn't be so hasty if I were you. You see? Language is like a tool. It has to be suitable for the task. So this highest language, or Advaitic language, when it first appeared it was in a time when there were yogis, you know? Powerful yogis. Seekers with tremendous strength, determination. This language was useful for them. For those who are not afraid of sacrifice, of work. For them: "stop, this takes you nowhere". And it doesn't, really. But is does, at the same time. It prepares for this stop, "nothing to be done". And for them, this was a lot. But they had the Sacredness. They were ready. Whatever becomes crystallized as a reality it becomes your illusion. A path, no path. No contradiction. Absolutely no contradiction here. Each seeker has its own needs according to his own beliefs about what is real and true This is what needs to be dissolved. Yes. What is the best way to dissolve all these beliefs? It is to stop feeding them. How do you stop feeding them? You give no more importance. You stop investing in this. But, how many of you can do this?

If you can, good, do it. And for you, nothing to do. And "nothing to do" is a lot. Is really intense. Is unbearable for the majority. It creates fire, intense fire. But these days, there is a very interesting division, you see? The "nothing to do" is spiritually speaking, but life is the same. You are continuing after money to be saved, get security. You are still investing towards acceptance about others. So you go to these spiritual places, to ashrams, and all of this and you are interested in who is there, who you can talk to, who you can share, who you can mingle. The same human worldly goals, you take them around you with you. You are saying "there's nothing to be done". Spiritually, of course. No meditation. You are beyond meditation. Of course you are. You can tell just inside of you. You can just tell this. Just looking on your afflictions, on your investments, surely. Are you really sure that this language is for the one that takes the quest for Truth as a hobby? Something to do in his vacations, in his weekends. But it isn't. It is for lions. If you give this to the powerful one. He is full of power. He feels -- because he has tested this -- that he can do almost anything in this world. He is not afflicted by fears anymore, dependencies anymore. But the next step is needed and, with all the power in the world, it is impossible to take it. Innocence has to be there, as Reverence has to be there. But the other one that is full of fears, of weaknesses can only apply his energy into egoistic undertakings. Worldly or spiritual, doesn't matter. As a profit. So, he can only do this in a short span of time because he is full of weaknesses. For him, nothing to do. Ufff... No, of course. Of course this is the way. The way to slumber. And again, if we are talking of seekers of well-being, of worldly people, it's fine. It's the way things appear to be. It is what it is. But there are some of you, in the middle of this, that your quest is for Truth. And you have been deluding yourself.

If you want to continue like this, OK. But at least you cannot say that you didn't have a chance. You had lots of chances, of course. So guidance, you see, comes giving you the direction from where you need to go but also towards where you stand. It is like a relationship that the deluded ones speak about abstract and concrete. You see? Abstract, concrete. And the knowers, the seers speak about concrete, abstract. Or in other languages God comes to you. But you also have to go to God. Or, in the "there is nothing to be done" you stay still and realize God there. But not full of weaknesses. It doesn't work. The weaknesses are there. This is not about telling you that you are not fit. Weaknesses, pain, suffering, frustrations. All of this is there to help you. Without this... But understand: if you are still going after acceptance, if you are still going after worldly goals, physiological goals, where does this "nothing to do" fit? Only spiritually? This is for those who are in a tremendous thirst for Truth. The majority of your teachers have by-passed this, as you are trying to do. You are seeing an image of a master, what is supposed to look like, smiling and all other things. You want to imitate this. This is normal, but naïve. This is robbing you the greatest adventure. Is robbing your life. You are attending to these needs, to this naïve understanding. But this is robbing. You're the one who is losing. India, India. Where some of you are, where others are going, has big treasures. Even for the blind. If you look at scriptures, stories you will see how things were in the past. Indians know one thing very well: whatever teaching, whatever master, whatever comes has to go through the test of time. This new things, even if you don't see it, are collapsing already. But I leave this for the veteran seekers to come forward in their hearts, in their knowledge, that there is nothing. No fire, nothing. You speak about spiritual fire and the majority has no idea what this means. I believe that you are really convinced of all these things because no real steps have been given yet. You are not really testing, testing nature. Testing what seems to be. OK. So, nothing to be done. But the need comes to have a relationship. So, how do we stand? Nothing to be done? Or let's go after the relationship? Ohh, but nothing is happening, and this is just... You are just fooling yourself. Ohh, my money is running over, it is finishing. Nothing to be done. OK. So, let's see what happens. Turmoil will happen, fire will happen. And you will have the chance to see if the pullings that are coming within you, if they are real or not. But if you comply to the demands and you just fool yourself with wisdom you won't see anything.

There is a lot being said. True... Anything has a purpose, whatever that means, but you are the one who's choosing what to listen and how to interpret, because communication is very complicated, you see? The word that comes from here goes with a meaning and the world that's there gets a different meaning because there is no Reverence, no Sacredness. So there is nothing to flow. Real communication cannot happen. So you will get, you will understand what you can. This is why, most of times, there is no point even speaking. Nothing to be done. So, no need to meditate. OK, but there is another side of the angle, of the thing. So what is the problem of meditating? Ahh, but this is just... I don't want to go too much into these alleys because they are precious ones, for the majority of you. You protect this wisdom because this allows you to keep the same investments and pretend you are doing something spiritual, that you are feeding that hunger that comes from your heart. But you are not. Hunger is just increasing, increasing, you are giving more nothing, and nothing and it will just increase and increase. Behind all these things are the same worldly goals, even for the ones who have a potential, even for the ones who are Seekers of Truth. So this is why it is important to always keep a check on the motivations. You will see them. Because now you may have established yourself in a point, for example, just an example, "I won't do anything to get others to accept me." But you will be exposed continuously to these situations where the pullings come for you to do something that would bring you acceptance. This is where you are getting distance from this. You will abstract from this investment. You will keep silence. You will keep solitude, even. Then you will know what is fire, the fire I am talking about. You will gather all the fire that you have been wasting so far in meaningless, pointless goals. Then you will see. Before, it didn't matter if you were in spiritual practices or not. Well, it does make a little difference. Because for the blind ones, for the ones that cannot see or cannot understand, and this is for the ones who know that they cannot understand, and this is for the ones that think they can understand. Spiritual practices, especially meditation, with the wrong motivations and all, in a way, still open some doors. If you will cross them or not, this is a different story.

If you want to arrive to university don't be afraid to go through kindergarten. And veterans, most of you, have gone through university have gotten the degree, or two or three degrees, and have nothing because you have to go back to kindergarten. Will you ever know what this "going back to kindergarten" means? Do you still have the strength to do this? We will see. Have you gathered any merits for this? We will see. Philosophies, words have to keep on changing, because as you get exposed to something, it doesn't matter what it is, if you have crystallized it, it becomes your delusion. Truth is a revelation. Not a discovery. Not a conquest. But a revelation that comes only for those who really don't want anything else out of this world. Those who sell with crumbs -- and this is the highest of human endeavors, of all human goals, worldly goals -- these are crumbs. For those who sell with crumbs no banquets. So it is not about philosophies, the right philosophies, wrong philosophies, everything has an use for different seekers. It's not about a good master, or a bad master, or if he's telling the truth or not telling the truth, if this is more true than this. This is about you, your moment, what you need now. And you're the one who is choosing. Like I said previously, a Seeker of Truth gets what he needs from a good master, from a bad one, directly from God, from the Source, himself. The same, doesn't matter. It matters, because it is true: you are God. But not you the way you perceive yourself, what you know about yourself. No, for you, for this "you", God is something completely different. This is one of the problems most of you have with God. It makes you feel small. Yes. So in a way it is justified, because the image of God has been distorted and misused, by men, by seekers. There are just two classes: seekers, knowers. If you are not one, you are the other. Even if you pretend to be one, you are still the other. God, for the little individual, is something so big that makes him feel small. In these egoistic quests, "I am God", do you know that there is something greater than "me"? No, this is not for me, of course. So, how will I get my importance, my power, and all these things? But, you know... There is a purpose -- whatever that means, in the world of purposes -- in being small. There are beautiful things. If you've never left greatness, if you've always been totality, if there's no universe, if there's no creation, what's this? What's the point of this that you're experiencing? Because in your heart, these previous words are true, but in your perception, this is also true. So, those who speak only about the highest cannot say anything about this littleness. And those who speak about this littleness cannot know this highest. But both are there, whatever that means. No, they are not. But again, this is not for the majority of you.

It's not bad, it's not comparing, it's not being less. This is an adventure. So don't waste your time running after little things. If they are a need, if they are a part, they will come. You will be tempted on the way. You succumb to these little impressions, these little goals of family, possessions, and all of this... Forget about this. It's not a tragedy. It's not... It's really the other way around. Inside of you, things will come to confuse you if you are paying attention to sensations, feelings and thoughts. You have to prepare yourself for guidance. This has to be earned. How is this earned? With work, sincerity, transparency, dedication, determination. I think you get the idea. Then it will come. This is the greatest of all adventures. If you succeed in your worldly goals they are still nothing compared to this. This quest for Truth that burns in your heart, it's there to make possible for you to experience this greatness like this, as you recognize yourself. OK.

  • Rodapé