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The Spiritual Process

Reflection on Transcendental Truth

Joy - The Expression of Being, Existence is one, just Timeless Serenity prevails, only the Supreme Being Exists, the Cosmic Ocean of Pure Consciousness, of Pure Harmony, of Absolute Plenitude, Serene, Infinite, Absolute, that I Am. The separation is illusory, it’s the result of the identification of this absolute principle, "Existence," with bodies with which it apparently expresses itself. Even in the relative existence necessary to understand things in their true magnitude, there are no several separate bodies, but only one Great Body, apparently composed of several bodies. As little drops of water make up an ocean, similarly, small aggregates of matter in various states, make up this Great Body. To these small aggregates of matter we call Universes, Galaxies, Solar Systems, Planets, men, animals and plants, all of whom are made, animated by the Principle of One Pure and Infinite Cosmic Consciousness. This Great body vibrates in unison, this magnificent reality, we realize this vibration in all its manifestations.
By the apparent contact between consciousness and matter, there is the transfer of characteristics from one to the other, so the notion of existence, appears isolated in a body, assuming it’s characteristics. This identification, which is apparently only in the individual, happens collectively and simultaneously in all the bodies from the most simple ones, to more complex ones. Being this body of man, one of the highest expressions of this same principle. Constantly there is an apparent movement in which consciousness compresses itself, becoming matter, and matter Expands again in to Consciousness, as the water turns into ice and then dissolves again in water. Neither the ice ceases to be water, so doesn’t matter ceases to be consciousness. As a molecule is recognized by his originality in the midst of so many others, so are all the bodies according to their characteristics superimposed on the Principle of Absolute Existence, and feel in accordance with this superimposition, I AM ... this!
From the edge of unconsciousness, or the inability to go beyond the identification with the body, recognizing its true nature, to Super-Consciousness, or the realization of the Absolute Truth that I AM; it begins this tiny Great journey we all know as "Evolution". To the extent that consciousness will wake up to itself, it will recognize and integrate itself, gradually, step by step. As I get joy from the reunion of a long lost friend, in the same way, when I find Myself, in my heart pours Joy. The sadness and pain is the result of this illusion of separation. To the extent that the illusion disappears, joy is manifests. Joy is the natural state of a heart lightened by the infinite. Has you recognized, and rediscover yourself in all bodies and beyond them, thou shalt be flooded by this Joy.
What a Wonder that I am, I'm Everywhere, I'm Perfect, each and every expression of Mine is wonderful, I'm see Myself in All Eyes, in all expressions, everywhere I find myself and I realize, nothing and no one existes besides Me . And you will understand that this is all for Your entertainment, so that you may enjoy your own love. And Love, Joy begins to sprout and flood your heart inside out, transforming you into Love and Happiness, merging you back on Yourself, Back To Serenity, to Infinite Bliss. If you do not feel this joy, if you can’t find it inside, then plant it every day in your heart, day after day, looking out as if you were looking in, seeing yourself in the eyes of others, in the wind, trees, searching; searching You will find! Existence is one, just Timeless Serenity prevails, only the Supreme Being Exists, the Cosmic Ocean of Pure Consciousness, Pure Harmony, Absolute Plenitude, Serene, Infinite, Absolute, that I Am. Narayana

  • Rodapé