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The Spiritual Process


So, guidance. What is guidance? Guidance is something that only the seeker of Truth may know, may receive. Only for him. And only the master knows who is the seeker of Truth. The seeker of Truth, in a way, is present in everybody. But not everybody can give birth to it, to affirm it. I've talked about this already a lot. So what is this guidance? Guidance is the most precious thing for the seeker of Truth. The most sacred one, as oxygen is to the body. So it is guidance for the seeker of Truth. It's something very precious and rare. It is always rare, it will always be rare, no matter how much the circumstances change. If you're a seeker of well-being, especially now in this moment when this new way of life is coming, when people at large, humanity will live in a more spiritual way, according to more spiritual precepts, they will become the worldly people. At this moment it seems to be confusing because you have so much available. Really. The confusion is because seekers of Truth and seekers of well-being are finding themselves in the same places and everything is becoming very confusing. But confusing is good because you have to have confusion to get clarification. The seeker of Truth will always arise, if he's there. He may have difficulties, he may fall down a lot of times, but eventually, if the quest for Truth is really the most important, this will surface. So if you look with the eyes of a seeker of well-being, you'll see a lot of choices. But it's difficult for a seeker of well-being to see what things really are because he's still busy with a lot of things. He's not really testing to the core. He's just adding things, and moving on. There's too much on his mind. He's full of afflictions, full of plans and investments for happiness, and all of this. So his questions are superficial also. And what he can get is superficial. But it's fine for this purpose, for this new age that is coming. It's good, whatever that means. But it's easy also to understand which is which. Usually, ordinary people, seekers of well-being move in flocks. So, wherever the crowd is going, the seeker of Truth is going opposite.

Not that difficult. Whatever is suiting the majority, for him it's not really this way. Because guidance is not for a group. Guidance is one-on-one. It is direct to your particular needs. It is direct. When guidance is given in an indirect way, it's because you're not ready yet for the direct one. Guidance can come from apparently one body, or it can come from inside, but it will have the same characteristics. It only comes for the seeker of Truth. Seekers of well-being go to spiritual places and believe they have rights. I have the right to demand, I have the right to receive, I have to be well treated, and all of this. Because they're very special, they're VIP seekers. They're used to this. This new movement with its happy teachers is continuing and increasing. It's normal, it's a part, and it's fine. This will give birth for new smiling teachers. And it will continue like this, but not for the seeker of Truth. In a way, there's something inside of him. For some -- others are still too young, whatever that means... Some of you already know that this is not for you. But there's nothing else, there's nothing else. OK, you know that this is not for you, and you're criticizing all of this. Normal, normal. But... you're the one who is the only important. Not others, not what seems to be happening. Are you suitable for guidance? Because seekers of well-being go to a supposed master and they want to test him. They want to see what kind of teaching is the master giving to see if it fits what they believe it is right. So, they only ask questions like "can you give your opinion about this?". What is the use of giving something to someone that comes with this attitude if he'll not be able to do anything with it? If he's not there for the right motivations? The master will test you. The more you come close to a master... Getting close doesn't mean physically close. Getting close means you're leaving the trash behind of you. All your impurities, judgments, all of this. You can only get guidance when you understand how precious it is. For the majority of you, you have to go through a desert to understand the importance of water. This is more or less the only way to appreciate water. The seeker of well-being sees a lot of options around. How to choose? The seeker of Truth doesn't see so many options. Very few options, if any. He has to wait, and wait, and wait, until it comes, until guidance comes. When it comes, it will test if the seeker is ready or not.

You think a master should behave like this, so he'll behave opposite. Because if you're looking for the master with your eyes, your mind you will miss it. He will make sure you will. For this, you can go back to the same. Because to test someone you have to be very important. If you're very important, you cannot get the most highest, what is precious. So whatever afflicts you, whatever your crystallizations are, your rigid concepts, the master will test this. If you come with weaknesses and you think the master should embrace you, should embrace all, he will behave opposite. Not because he dislikes you or anything. If he's there giving you some kind of attention, it's good already. The more close you come, the more intense it becomes. Until all these concepts... until Surrender is there. When Surrender is there, when trust is there, absolute trust, then something else begins. Until then, until there isn't absolute trust, impossible. Now we have all these ethics, what the society expects, what the spiritual places expect. Everybody has an opinion about how things should be. Whatever opinions you hold dear, you want to identify, to feel safe. Oh, the master is behaving like this, so I can trust, I feel safe, I can trust. This is absolutely no trust. This is circumstantial trust. If circumstances change, well... I know that today there's a lot of suspicions because a lot of things have been happening, and lah-lah-lah... Figure it out. If you're honest you will find the master. Or the master will find you. With a body, without a body, will find you. He hasn't lost any of you. Do you think you're waiting for a master? The master waits for all of you much longer. Waiting for you to be prepared. Sometimes you need him, and he has to send you away. You think you're being rejected. You're not. Sometimes he's pulling you, but life is taking you away. This is his doing also because you're not prepared. So in these movements everything is coming down, you see? There was a big distance between the spiritual world, the spiritual teachings and all of this, a big distance from worldly people. Now, with these happy teachers, it's coming down, down. Everything is coming down. Even awakening is coming down to something normal. Now an awakened master has the same problems that a normal individual has. Everything is getting back to the same point. So, we'll have to create an alternative to the alternative, eventually. Just circus, nothing else. Just because there's only circus visible, doesn't mean that the rest doesn't continue there. But it's up to you, the seeker of Truth, to find it.

You'll not be able to find if you're behaving as a seeker of well-being, with the same goals, same investments, same agenda. Full, full, full agenda. Guidance will come for those who are giving their lives to the quest of Truth. The master, the real master, lives for these seekers. This is his point, whatever that means. Even to explain, no point. There are some things you need to find out. It is a part of the epic that you're living. It's a great adventure. It's the greatest divine romance also. But in the beginning... Because turning your back to those worldly investments is just the beginning. Just the beginning. There's a new adventure. As this old world erases itself then the rest can come. This is foreign language for the majority of you, and it cannot be explained. Because the real steps of the seeker of Truth are not given feeling safe, feeling sure. There's no point with this. This is just adapting the old to the new. It breaks nothing inside. No beliefs are being broken, they're just adapting, adapting. The change in circumstances is the only importance it has. The possibility to break the beliefs that are behind. If you're adapting them, what is the use? When guidance comes, it has to be respected, honored, with Reverence. Because if you mistreat it -- once, twice, and more and more -- eventually it disappears. Not that it has disappeared and abandoned you, you are the one who is abandoning it. You're closing the doors without even knowing it. The master will have to put you through intense situations, intense tests to break your limitations. If you cannot speak to him when you meet him, just because he has a serious face, if you're too scared just to talk, how will you be able to go through these intense situations? Do you want to cross it on the lap, like a baby? Most of you are looking for this, of course, for understandable reasons. But still... it is not possible. And if you mistreat it, you'll have to wait again, a big cycle sometimes, until you're ready again. This is not about... Now spirituality has become a safe haven for those that cannot succeed, whatever that means, in the worldly world, in the worldly goals, for those who are depressed with life. No, it's not for them. There are those who cannot succeed there because their heart is not there, but these are not so many. The seeker of Truth has tremendous strength, or will be able to get it. If there's potential to become a seeker of Truth, it doesn't matter wherever he is, in what level of understanding he may be, the master will pick him up and go through him, step-by-step. From the lowest to the highest, to Wholeness.

Because a real master is not versed in one philosophy because it's nothing about philosophies. He knows what and where you are, what you need, and will give accordingly, from all sides, all sides. But surely this VIP complex has to disappear. Or else, nothing of this is possible. You may even go through and stay a while but it will be unbearable if the motivations are not in the right place. These motivations will be tested, one after another. Not immediately, not all, because it's impossible. One after another. If the quest for Truth is the only thing that matters, the seeker will persist no matter what. The point where he continues in a sincere way is when all his motivations are broken, when all his concepts are broken, but he remains. Without hopes, without anything, he still persists. This is an exalted state. Guidance, the most precious. If you have a lot of investments yet, what can you get? You'll get diversity, you'll get a lot of options. The seeker of Truth has one. The seeker of well-being chooses, analyses. Everything is about status. He comes with a very nice smile, very nice attitude, because he wants to take something and flee away, like a robber in the middle of the night. His smile, his nice attitudes are a currency, of the seeker of well-being, of course. If he's in his world, this will be embraced, of course. Same values embraced. It's like you want to succeed in Wall Street. You go after one of the sharks of Wall Street. When you're close, you'll bite him like a shark. And he will like this because he's training you to be the biggest shark. Same values. Circumstances are changing all the time. This is important, because whenever something spiritual becomes mainstream it loses because you've learned the language, you've mastered the behavior, you've crystallized a new set of beliefs. What yesterday was something that could release you, break your beliefs now has become your crystallization, your world, your beliefs. So the opposite of this has to come to break it again. There's no right, only the absolute is absolute. Relative is nonexistent, but whatever... Language has to change because it's not about a path that you follow. When you become a seeker of Truth, you'll be there in the center and things are causing impressions there, hitting the core of the individual, the central program to break it, to destroy it, to dissolve it. The seeker of well-being collects knowledge. Input, input, input. The seeker of Truth dissolves. All his concepts are dissolving. First output, then stop. By the lack of input, whatever is there starts dissolving, dissolving. In the middle of the seekers of well-being there are lots of you that have potential to become seekers of Truth. But the attitude has to change. You have to take a commitment with your quest. It's not about "you have to". If you don't, a big emptiness will be there. In the long run even this will be a help, so nothing is lost. But if you really want it now, a change of attitude is needed. Don't fool yourself. Circumstances are not important. Yes, it is true. It's a matter of motivation and attitude. But you have to take yourself seriously. You're looking around and almost everybody is doing the same. Because those who are not doing the same you don't see them because they are not a part of your world. Sometimes you get a glance on them, a small glance.

But you cannot see it firstly because you have to move on. Times will come when you're ready. Not when you think you're ready, but when you are ready. When it comes treat it as precious, because it is. Attitude has to change. Or else, nothing of value will cross your path. If it crosses, you will not be able to see it. And even if you see it, you will not be able to take it. For the seeker of well-being there's no point is saying a lot of things. If he has the potential to become a seeker of Truth, then yes. If he doesn't, no point. He will crystallize whatever. If you break his beliefs here, he will make another pile there. You see? A seeker of Truth approaches a master with the right attitude and with doubts. The seeker of well-being approaches a master without a humble attitude and full of certainties that he wants to discuss. He's there so that the master can validate his own beliefs, for the master to make him feel right. Because his philosophy, his spiritual knowledge is a safe place, where he builds his world. He wants validation. He's not there for learning. The seeker of Truth tries to remind himself that he knows nothing until he knows who he is. Whatever questions you may have, if they are honest, you can send. Even if you think you're not a seeker of Truth. Because this is a funny thing, you see? Those who have potential to become seekers of Truth with these words I've been giving about seekers of Truth, they tremble, they feel like "no"... Apart of the lions, there are always those who know, yes. But not those. Others will think "No, I'm not good enough to be a seeker of Truth". The ones who have potential. Those who don't have potential yet: "oh yes, I'm a seeker of Truth, yes".

It doesn't matter in whatever deluded state you are, knowingly or unknowingly, if for you your quest is sincere, you can send your doubts. Sincerity is clarifying for everybody. For the seeker of Truth, it doesn't matter what he knows or what he has accomplished, spiritually speaking. There's always something to clarify and to break. Lastly it will be in silence. Those are the greatest breaks, but they're not seen this way. But that's... Well... Guidance will come when it's time, when you're ready and it will be as if it is something apart telling you what to do. It can come in a form or from within, whatever that means. Or both, at the same time. If it is guidance, it will test your beliefs, test your fears, will put you through situations where you can test them. OK. 

  • Rodapé