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Retraite: retreat from october 31 to november 11, 2022

This is for sure the most intense experience of inner searching that I have ever lived through. I have to confess that it is very difficult, but very rewarding. The pain in the body, I believe, is the biggest obstacle. Everything hurts. Everything is uncomfortable. In those moments, the mind doesn't cooperate even a little bit... mine... told me to give up all the time. My stomach was a separate war... the strangest and most diverse noises... everything different all at once!

When everything seemed calm and reasonably "normal", then came the bell... Ah! This one I even trembled... At 3:30 in the morning... you can't resist, turn to the side, warm bed... "Jump fast, it hurts less"... This was my "mantra" at that moment... and the days went by, the body pains and discomfort disappeared, the mind... ah, this mind! It even surrendered to all of this... It became calmer, more centered, stopped complaining, can you believe it? And a light at the end of the tunnel began to appear.

The process was getting more intense, every day, but at this time I could go through it all with much more calm, much more lightness... The gratitude was increasing... The welcome feeling and of belonging too... and here I am on my last day of retreat... crying... always. Lol... With a lightness in my heart, a peace in my mind... It seems that time has stopped... The weights on my shoulders are gone... It's as if we took a heavy backpack off our shoulders and replaced it by a lighter one... And by the way... lightness... the food here is wonderful! Think about a simple food, pure, made with love, care... how delicious!

The team is wonderful too... we don't speak to each other for 10 days, but it is as if every day we get to know each other better and better. I am pure gratitude!


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  • Rodapé