Ashram Yoga Divine Center

Retiro: Retreat from December 02 to 13, 2022.

The time to leave has come, and now with the challenge of the retreat behind me, I realized how serene I am. The most impressive thing is that I am not at all anxious to return home.
Here at the Ashram everything is simple, but nothing is less than necessary. The retreat is very well organized and the care given by the residents is welcoming.
During the first 5 days of the retreat it rained a lot, my throat felt bad and I had an allergy crisis. To my surprise, I found extra blankets in my room and a message: "Get well covered". The extra blankets made the nights warmer, but nothing compared to how much the gesture of care warmed my heart.
For me, being quiet, not socializing, waking up at 3:30 am and eating two meals a day was not difficult. The challenge was really present during the meditation sessions mainly because of the discomfort and pain in my body from trying to keep myself in the correct posture.
I leave here calmer, less confused and knowing what I should do. It remains to me the responsibility to walk the path in the right direction.
Thank you Ashram City of Angels for the rich opportunity offered.

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