Ashram Yoga Divine Center

O Processo Espiritual

Unraveling the mysteries of The Truth Seekers

So, for today I will speak about the Seeker of Truth So, before any questions are asked about the spiritual path, choices, techniques, and the what-to-dos, or in the new languages the what-not-to-dos or whatever, first we have to know what is a Seeker of Truth, you see This has become important in a very extense way, because I am seeing a lot of questions and a lot of people asking questions about spirituality, about the spiritual path and all that involves them And these questions seem to be questions of Seekers of Truth, yet they cannot get the answers that the Seeker of Truth would get And why is that? Because of this, I have used a different denomination for these different seekers. One, I call them seekers of well-being, and the others, I call them Seekers of Truth And there is a big distinction about this, you see?

Seekers of well-being are nice people, they can be in a spiritual path, knowingly or they may not be They may be what we call, or what is called, or can be called as worldly people, with worldly goals The only thing that changes from these worldly people with worldly goals to the seeker of well-being, the spiritual seeker of well-being, is their knowledge about spirituality or about God also Nothing else, because the motivations are the same And why is this important? Well, this is important because the understanding of the seeker of well-being and the understanding of the Seeker of Truth, they are opposite, you see?

From the same teaching they will get opposite, opposite understandings So, if you give spiritual teachings or clarifications to a seeker of well-being, he will do the same with it as he has being doing until now, or even before he had any spiritual knowledge, because his motivations are the same So, whatever the can grasp of the teachings, it is something else that has nothing to do with spirituality, you see? There is this idea, there is this expression now, that is called mainstream spirituality Because it is going everywhere, to every house, everywhere you see people speaking about spirituality, and it has become mainstream Well, this is a naïve understanding, because this is not what has been happening, you see? Worldly people with worldly goals have discovered a new hope in their lifes to satisfy the same desires, the same goals, the same weaknesses, all of this A new hope. Spirituality – the knowledge of God, what is called the knowledge of the spiritual laws – has become a new hope for the same delusions So you see seekers trying to master behaviors, trying to master languages, especially the Advaitic language. This is the most – maybe the most is too much, but OK – (it is) one of the biggest ones that are trying to be mastered So perhaps when they master the language, then they will be happy, then they will know the Truth But in their minds, Happiness and Truth have the same ideas behind, the same goals that they always had. So, nothing has changed, you see?

So, what is a Seeker of Truth? I will probably have to make more takes on this subject because it is an extense one It is very difficult to cover it in one time But the Seeker of Truth, it is the highest of human evolution What you call life, normal life, is just preparing people for this moment, for the moment to live a life of a Seeker of Truth, The Seeker of Truth, his life is an epic. It is not a normal life, it is an epic And an epic, you cannot live an epic on the couch of your living room – it is impossible, you see? So, like I was saying, the life of a Seeker of Truth is something magnificent It is an epic of incomparable proportions, you see? It is not an ordinary life. It is not meant to be an ordinary life What most of you are living is an ordinary life, you see? First of all, the Seeker of Truth is like everyone else It has the same desires, the same weaknesses, the same fears, the same hopes – more or less the same. And this is what makes him alive This is what makes him capable of living the epic Without this, if he has no interest per se, he is dead, in a way But the difference of the Seeker of Truth is that he knows that life and its promises – even though they tempt him, even though he feels them as a very big need – he knows that they will not bring him anything new, anything different He knows somewhere in his self, he knows that life – human life, these circumstances, the world – is distracting him of something much more important, much more greater, you see? It is distracting him from the real game And the real game is Freedom, and not security, not being accepted. It has nothing to do about this A human life, a human normal life, is a life where the person moves according to his fears, to his hopes, to his desires, not questioning from where are these things coming He doesn’t question them. He doesn’t know the reality of it, he just moves with it. You see?

So, his ideas of happiness, they are a product of this sadnesses, his fears, his insecurities This is where his ideas of Freedom come, of Happiness So he moves like a donkey after a carrot, following the carrot, not seeing where the carrot is coming from. He is just following them The Seeker of Truth, he feels these pulls, the same ones, but he is not following them, he is abstracting from them He has understood that fears – if you do what you are told, if you act according to the fears – they will just increase and increase and increase So, the first step for a Seeker of Truth, the first map for the Seeker of Truth are his own fears The exact thing that he has been running away from since ever. Since he knows himself as someone A normal life, a normal human life, a life of the seeker of well-being, is marked by the same map, the map of the fears, of the insecurities, of the fragilities, of sadness He moves to avoid to be exposed to his own fears He moves to fight against his own beliefs about himself, of low self-esteem, of this and that, blah blah blah… all that thing It is a mechanical path, because it has no creativity, no spontaneity, because he is just avoiding his fears When he reaches some maturity, when he is trying to become a Seeker of Truth, he will use the same map with an opposite intention, you see?

His fears will show him the next step as he goes through it, as he lets himself be exposed to them without reacting, without doing anything to change the circumstances – until they lose the power that fears have over him In this process, he gains his strength, his lost strength, his forgotten strength Without it, other steps are not possible. Reverence is not possible, Surrender is not possible, Divine Love is not possible. Freedom… not possible And I understand there is a lot of concepts at this moment about freedom, love, and all these ideas of nothingness, and all of this It is true, yes, and all of this is correct But it is not correct for the majority of you that are speaking this – not yet The first step is to become a Seeker of Truth And for the Seeker of Truth there is no right and wrong in the way that morality dictates, that ethics dictates, that society dictates Values of society, sometimes the Seeker of Truth has to go against this, you see? So, if you are still trapped with the need to belong, the need to… – all these needs – you will succumb Because society will have always expectations that society has towards its individuals, those who are a part of it. The Seeker of Truth, he is there but he is not a part of it, not in the same way. In the form, maybe – but in the content, no. You see?

So, the seeker of well-being is trying to improve the world, because his motivations are worldly. The Seeker of Truth is not interested anymore in changing the world, making the world a better place. But you know something funny? The real Seeker of Truth has an impact on this so-called world thousands of times more than the seekers of well-being Maybe this can be a subject for another conversation. But if the worldly people knew the value of the Seeker of Truth, for sure they would create the conditions for all the Seekers to have a no-worries path They would support them, they would encourage them. But then the Seeker of Truth would be lost Being alone, not being understood, it is a present It is what makes possible for the Seeker of Truth to arise, because he has to go against everything and everyone. Yes And what dictates this is not his mind, it’s his own heart. You See? All of you know this, what I am going to say next, all of you Your heart pushes you in one direction, and your mind comes immediately to distract you, to make you stop this non-sense, and it will give a lot of justifications Now, a lot of spiritual justifications: “nothing to be done” It is true, if it is true for you. And this is not your mind – your mind knows nothing, you see?

This path of choosing what is the best spiritual practice, what is the best path, what is the best philosophy, what is the best this and that, and this and that – these discussions, these spiritual discussions, where one opinion is given on top of the other one – this has nothing to do yet with the Seeker of Truth’s path Path… don’t tremble with this word path – some of you tremble, but you have to be more honest with yourselves It is the heart that says what is important next. Your fears say what is important next You see? Even intuition is not reliable in the way that you imagine, because if your motivations are worldly, if it is to improve the dream, intuition will be there, as it is available for everybody, giving subtle, sometimes less subtle indications that there is more into this world than it is seen It is very subtle and it is directed to human life, human normal life, with human normal endeavors Nothing else So, the heart… And when the heart is speaking to the Seeker of Truth, speaks in one way And when the heart is speaking to the seeker of well-being, it speaks in a different way When it speaks to the seeker of well-being, it speaks in a way to improve his life, to make him feel good Feeling good, this is something that catches the majority of you: the need to feel good. You see? When the heart speaks to the Seeker of Truth, when there is a Seeker of Truth there, the heart speaks, the Seeker trembles because the guidance, the direction go immediately against some of his fears, questioning them, and saying “now you do this!!” But if he moves around, if he is scared, and wants to justify remaining still, he will be able to do so, with wisdom, or so-called wisdom. He can just choose which wisdom to apply here to remain still – or the best one: “there is nothing to do”.. That can be true. It is true, of course. But, again, not for the ones that are living with fears, seeking affection, attention, acceptance, seeking healing, and all these things.

The Seeker of Truth is a lion among seekers. He just has to find the courage to affirm it, to see for himself, see for himself As the voice speaks for the Seeker of Truth, the Seeker trembles. Fears will arise intensely, the mind will speak a lot to stop that, stop that For the seeker of well-being, these signs will tell him: “no, this is not right, because I am not feeling good” For the Seeker of Truth, as he trembles, he recognizes the validity of that For him it is a clear indication that this is the step that follows So, to ask questions about which technique, which path, what is the best… should I abandon everything, should I stay where I am, this is useless The process of the Seeker of Truth is alive There is indications, guidance, presence all the time. You just have to be awake for it And it is in your intimate space that everything happens. You see? And it is an epic, full of adventures It is a life worth living. Even if you don’t find what you are looking for It is the greatest adventure I will speak more about this, because the is a lot of implications like Devotion, God All these things that have been somehow lost. In front of your eyes, but lost.

But this is not for today For today, I want you to understand the fiber of a Seeker of Truth He goes after his own fears. Fearing, fearing them, but in a fearless attitude With this, he will experience the spiritual fire that arises After he awakens – the Seeker of Truth awakens, not the awakening – then these questions about techniques, and all of this, and understandings, and all of this makes sense, can be answered by a master Before this, it is something else The Seeker of Truth is present inside every one of you The majority till now has been distracting with life You have not taken yet the path of a Seeker of Truth, because you are protecting your worldly desires The seekers that have been starting now, they don’t have the means, the capability to have this understanding But the veterans, they do And most of you, inside yourselves, you have been testing all these philosophies, these new understandings, and you know that you are stuck You just have to be honest with yourselves And this is the best help. You can give to those who are following And if you really want to improve the world – if inside yourself there is something, and I know a lot of you have this need, this dharmic need to improve the world – you have to understand that it is not by running from your fears, but by becoming a Seeker of Truth.

The vibration of a Seeker of Truth, only its presence, makes thousands of times more than you can make in your communities participating. As you are there, you are part of the problem, whatever that means, and not of the solution, whatever that means But the worst part is that you are turning your backs to yourselves There is a big need, there is a big change happening, there is always change happening, but Ok In these times, there is this uprising in spirituality, you see? Life is transforming – I don’t want to go too much into this now But cutting short, human life as you know it is changing Before there was not so much awareness about spiritual laws, spiritual philosophies There was the awareness of God, but in a different way Now, people are moving towards a life based on spiritual values, more aware of these values, of these more subtle realities So, the spiritual people of today will be the worldly people of tomorrow, because they have a different language, a different vision They are good people, very good people of course. They will make the world more beautiful, etc. etc., but they are still based by fears, desires, and the same thing So you see communities arising, but then it is the same values: security-based lifes. Fighting for survival, fighting for security, fighting for acceptance Gathering in communities that are friendly so that they can feel good, protected and – how do you say this – feel safe. And this has nothing of spiritual in it And if you are following this path you are depriving yourself from your gold, from your right This is a very interesting moment You have to arise the Seeker for Truth inside of you There is a giant inside each and every one of you, just waiting for an opportunity to arise Your fears are telling you “don’t do this, just do that, comply, comply!!” Or else, this is the moment when you stand up and you say: “Or else what? Let me see what happens!!”. Is the bus coming in my direction and is going to run over me? So I will seat quietly and wait to see what happens afterwards. Let’s see!! I will be trembling, of course, but I will remain. This is an example, metaphorical example Unless it isn’t a metaphor. Each one of you has its own path And each one is telling a different story for the ones who are coming behind, for the seekers of well-being They are looking at you, and like in every part of human life, they will try to stop you.

Even seekers of truth will try to stop you No one can understand you, because you are unique You cannot share everything So, the seekers of well-being, the worldly seekers, and the seekers of well beings – if there is so much a difference, there is a little bit – they try both to stop you in their own way They will give you examples, they will give you a lot of things, because you facing your fears is awakening something inside of them also, and they don’t want to see it. So they will say it is non-sense. It can be But if your heart is telling you to do it. If your mind is going against, if your fears are arising, 99.9 percent of chance that this is the right thing to do After all these takes that I will be doing eventually, if you have any questions about it – because I will continue with this subject - if you have any questions about this, any doubts, send them And if it is a serious question, I will answer it Here I will answer the things I cannot answer in Satsang, for example, because it creates a lot of confusion There I can only speak for Seekers of Truth A lion amongst men – this is the Seeker of Truth It is the highest of human evolution. All other subsequent lifes that can be seen – into the past, whatever that means – is just a preparation, just a preparation But after a while of facing fears, of conquering fears, it is the time for guidance. And guidance is different from intuition, you see? It may use the same channel, but it is different You see? Intuition, in a way, is part of you Guidance, it is like is not a part of you, it is like something different from you, which is telling you: “this!!” And it only says once. Then the mind jumps on it, tries to dismantle it, discredit it It makes so much noise that eventually, if you are not really paying attention, you will not remember what was it really.

But the Seeker of Truth is there waiting His mind has been trained to a point where it does not make any decisions anymore He does not search for anything anymore, he just waits for the next step Waits for the voice of guidance say “this!!” and he moves Probably there are more things that can be said and will be said about this For now, food for thought. It is enough For all of you, I can guarantee you that the majority of this spiritual path it’s about motivations, the right motivations, and staying on track To become a Seeker of Truth, to remain a Seeker of Truth is another part, bigger one Because all the time, from inside, all these things that are still there… Nature is compelling you to go back to the same investments, to the same goals So every time you have to make sure you come back to track, come back to track, come back to track Or else you will just awaken a long time after, and then you have to go back again, and it is like this Like I said, if you have any questions about this, bring them to me Keep these words in mind, and give yourself a chance, a real chance OK, enough, at least for today.'

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