Ashram Yoga Divine Center

O Processo Espiritual

Suffering the great releaser

Suffering -- The Great Releaser OK. So after speaking about suffering as the great addiction now I'll give you another perspective on suffering which is the great releaser. As you still entertain worldly goals nothing in there is trustworthy. These days, with modern technology, there's a lot of guiding systems available No matter how good and sophisticated is the guiding system it can only guide where you want to go. It doesn't tell you where to go, but it helps to go where you want to go. So your motivation comes first. If you're having worldly goals, if you still want something out of this world, the guidance that you'll get will be more or less tuned to this. This will mark your path of clarification. That's where suffering plays a big part. Even your heart willing to tell you. I'm speaking even you heart because these days, spiritually speaking, seekers (say) "ohh, my heart, I feel this, I feel this so this must be right". It will be when you're out of worldly motivations. Motivations mark the beginning. Mark it all. If motivations are worldly, guidance will come accordingly. Where you want to go -- those guiding systems, those perceptions -- will lead you down that path. It has to be, or else it would be too intense. If you want to bypass that -- because it's possible -- you have to see the mechanics of what you call reality.

You have to understand it, so that you can move through it. This is why guidance is fundamental. Like I said before: guidance comes as something apart because the body-mind complex, whatever that means, follows the script of illusion, of suffering. But this suffering, eventually, will become clear. You have your ideas of happiness and you're begging everything, even your life, the most important, your only precious gift here, which is time. It's an illusion, yes, of course. But we're talking about illusion. Truth has nothing to be said about. It's nothing new to get. It's nothing that you have to conquer. Just let go of illusion. See how you're grabbing yourself. See. Then you'll learn how to let go. So you're having those images of happiness in which you're betting everything They're causing you tremendous suffering to get there. This is good, because this is what you really need. But this was the previous subject. Eventually, eventually, as time passes, as suffering is experienced, you'll start scratching your head. "Wait a minute. This image is here, it promises happiness, but I never get there!!" What is happening? From the most superficial quest to the most hardened quest this principle will apply. Suffering is considered the great enemy, a punishment. But it isn't. It's actually a blessing. For the majority of seekers it's the only blessing possible to receive. They are so filled with themselves, so proud that even so they are not forgotten, and they have where to go through. Suffering prepares the arrogant, prepares the weak. It strengthens the weak, softens the arrogant. No one is forgotten. Behind these images of happiness lie beliefs of happiness. These beliefs, you put everything to them, all the importance without questioning where have they come from, what is their real value. Look around. Everybody is apparently looking for happiness, in what you can see.

They're doing it in different ways because they've different images of happiness. But you're all looking for happiness, so it's kind of a game to see who finds it. Clues, experiences are clues, who can understand that of the clue. Life and suffering are giving you a feedback. I don't have what you're looking for. Ohh, this was happiness, then suffering. Or there was some kind of happiness, it's good, but it's not what I'm looking for. It doesn't satisfy. There's no peace into it, at least not lasting. It's clarifying that these ideas don't have any value apart from the value that you're giving to them. So this suffering is releasing you. For the distracted one, holds a grip, keeps him deluded. For the one that's trying to pay attention, it's clarifying. Suffering is taken, like I said previously, as a punishment but in fact is a blessing. These beliefs are so ingrained that only suffering, as it gets the needed intensity, will break them all and show them for what they are. You may believe that this is happiness, but suffering is there. You think that you're doing something wrong, that you have to improve, and all of this. But eventually you'll understand that "suffering is telling me: this is nothing of what I expected". There's nothing wrong with me, nothing wrong with others, nothing wrong with circumstances, they can be quite good also, but they don't have what I'm looking for. I am looking for myself, who I really am. Greatness. Now, with these therapies, this compassion, these terms... The compassion, that helping others, it has inlaid nothing to do with others. If compassion brings something, it's not in the attitude itself. The one who experiences compassion is getting the opportunity to touch the flow. Because if you're taking someone else's suffering life conditions that seem punishment or karmic things that I have to go through, it's not a burden, it's a help. Have you noticed how much this world has to turn around, how many things have to happen, so that suffering can be experienced. For one hand, if you take it from the other one the person, this individual, will have to go after another suffering. But not the same amount of suffering, it has to increase because it won't have the same impact than previously. First, because he's addicted to it. Yes. But also because he needs it, because he's learning from it. It's the blessing that is possible this moment to help break these beliefs. So he'll have to go and get more suffering, more intense because he was exposed to this level of suffering then he'll have to be exposed to this amount to get the same impact. So, were you really helping?

There's this idea, there's a lot of ideas, but to get to this state, to this altruistic level, it's not for anyone, for everybody, just for a minority. And these ones have no interest in the world whatsoever. If you look deep down, you're there for your own personal needs. Have no doubts about this. Honesty is always refreshing and it helps you move faster, from wherever you're standing. No matter how stubborn you are, how difficult it is for you to learn, you'll learn, eventually you'll learn. Suffering will get to the needed intensity to break all beliefs, all of them. It may take time, but it will do the job. Eventually in the middle, if you start to understand certain things, if you are on a spiritual journey, you have already come in touch with different teachings that say that happiness doesn't come from these worldly things. You see a lot of things, teachings and precepts, that distance it from normal investments This distance, if it's practiced, helps you to get a more clear vision. It may take a while, but eventually it will. As you get a more clear vision, then suffering will not be needed like this, in this way. It will uproot the roots which are here, at the root of this apparent individual, that which sustains individuality, that which sustains and makes sure that it has food, which is the investment of human life. So that which is binding you, binding you in the beginning, it will also release you, as you mature. The more you fear suffering, the more you'll plunge into it eventually. Do you really think that... There's this idea of healing the world and solving the problems but are you really sure that you know what the problem is? Suffering may be wrong if you have the vision of the world that the purpose of life is to be happy in the world, in a worldly life, in worldly circumstances, or in whatever circumstances. If you have this idea, you have a certain amount of time you have to hurry up, and you have suffering biting you in the butt. Suffering is a problem for the majority of you, and happiness is the absence of suffering, and it has nothing to do with that.

Glory is not the absence of misery. If you understand that the purpose of life... I'm not going too much into questions, if you want to ask, feel free to ask, if it's honest and sincere I'll answer. If you understand that the purpose of life is to know who you are then you'll not see suffering as an obstacle. It is an obstacle for your worldly goals, your worldly understanding. It's like all other sufferings. You put your hand on top of a hot pan it gets burnt and this pain makes you remove the hand. Why doesn't this work with these images, with these beliefs attached to these images? It will work, but takes longer. If you remove it, if you remove suffering, then you'll be distracted, distracted, distracted. In certain ages, whatever that means also, experience were quite different from this one. Most of you have heard about yugas, for example, cyclic ages. I'm not going into this, because this is part of the illusion. But OK, this is what we're talking about. If you have read something about that, you'll see that human life differs a lot in the quality of the experiences. And these times, which are more hard, more intense, with more suffering, for the worldly seeker they are bad, for the seeker of Truth they are good because they give tremendous opportunities to clarify and put aside things that don't have any importance. Without this suffering present, you wouldn't be aware of this. It pushes you towards the quest for Truth. First, it is the quest for love, affection, acceptance, a place and environment where everybody is happy because you're full of wounds, of sadnesses, you need the lap. You need a place where you can go and feel safe, feel good. But you will eventually grow up from this. Eventually you'll become a lion. Eventually you'll become a seeker of Truth. And then suffering becomes a master, a teacher. It has always been, but you cannot take it this way. This is the next video. It's an extense subject. Before you're going out and trying to take suffering off others make sure that you are really taking and not giving more because this is what happens really. For the seekers of well-being -- worldly seekers, the same -- it's OK, it's fine like this. They're a part of that world, they're experiencing, collecting their suffering, for the good and for the bad, whatever that means, to keep them more imprisoned and to mature towards a path of Freedom, of Liberation.

So they are receiving suffering, creating suffering, it is fine. For the seeker of Truth it's different. If someone really wants to get out from suffering, to grow up from it, it will find the means. There's no need to persuade. It doesn't matter how much you explain to an addicted one the evils of the addiction. It will not let it go. Only when he really, really, without a shadow of doubt, wants to get out from it. Then he'll look for the means, with the correct attitude, and will succeed. Suffering is not a tragedy. Most of you will be shocked with what I'm saying and probably will be wondering or asking "what about the suffering of the world" and blah-blah-blah. Let the world take care of itself. For the seekers of Truth, watch before this. This suffering and this world that you're seeing in a way, it's like everybody is after their own piece of heaven, of hell. It's like an ocean full off sharks. The seeker of Truth is the one who gets out of the water. People usually say "isn't that selfish?" Don't you care about the world? If you take one shark out of the ocean, wouldn't the ocean become a better place, safer one? Definitely. But if you're seeker of Truth, and in your heart there's this need to help the world, understand this: be part of the solution. But for you the world has to be meaningless. Your quest has to be authentic. By not being a part, one thousand times more help to that world. At one level, it may need some help. At the highest, everything is fine. What you have to know is: are you a part of not? Even this is limited understanding, but it's important now. So don't fight your suffering, learn from it. See what it's showing you. You're experiencing it again and again in different circumstances, sometimes the same, because you haven't understood yet what it's telling you. Don't bother complaining, wining, and all of this. Learn, learn. Bring your mind to steadiness. Learn and you'll grow up. OK.

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