Ashram Yoga Divine Center

O Processo Espiritual

Motivations on the Spiritual Journey

I get a lot of questions about what to do about this situation, that situation, how to deal with the restlessness of the mind and all these questions about the spiritual path. And these questions are really important, they are, but much more important than this, is why, why do you seek these things. A quick answer can be given, and is always given, that it is for Freedom. But what does this freedom means for you, and this is what is important. It’s Important is what it means for you. Because I always make a clear distinction between seekers of truth and seekers of well-being, you see? Only to understand that what you are really seeking for, and this is shown by your actions, because for most seekers Freedom means a better dream, a better life, better relationships, better conditions. This is what it means, it is a circumstantial happiness. And as long as you are looking for circumstantial happiness, Freedom as a means, and not an end in itself..then this is what I call a seeker of well-being. And for these seekers there’s a lot of out there, there are lot of things that have been tried, to be tried, and always new things are coming. For the seeker of Truth there is not too much new things coming, you see? Language changes, but the quest remains more or less the same. But if you are a seeker of well-being and you have religions, you have philosophies... anything, anything, depending on your motivation, it can be used either for keeping you more in prison or Freedom.

That depends solely on you. So the time you spend evaluating what masters are saying, different masters, what different teachings are, which one is the best.. this is useless. First you have to examine your motivations, you see? And this is all the way through. There is no stopping in these evaluations. Because the body, the mind, they are all programmed for survival, for a better way of everything – better way of life, better way of thought, everything. It is for survival, not for Freedom. So all of these teachings they will have different meanings according to your motivation. So they are not absolutely in nature. So this distinction has to come, because at this point there is a big movement about spirituality, apparently, and most of it is just about ... for a better dream, you see? So all the way through, these needs these needs to improve life, these needs of Truth for a better life, they will always keep coming and it is up to you, up to the seeker of the Truth, to always be uprooting them, uprooting them, uprooting them... Endlessly uprooting them. Because they will keep on coming, keep on coming. Especially, if there are conditions for this. And you don’t need too much special conditions for this, because it is a programme.

It is always coming back, coming back… So the teachings that you will go through, for the seeker of Truth, and this I always make clear because of these things - my words are always for the seeker of Truth, so whenever you are hear these teachings about improving life, well this is not really in your best interest, you see? So now we see a lot of seekers of well-being spreading around everywhere and with them – teachers of well-being, masters of well-being, you see? So for the seeker of Truth, this will only make him more confused. Because as a seeker of Truth, as the human nature is there, and this will always be pulling him towards human investments, human happiness, bodily happiness. It is there – acceptance, fears, everything is there. So, but within there is also a kind of being tired of all of this, a kind of not belonging, a kind of loneliness, a kind of suffering, unexplainable suffering. But still he looks around and he looks for examples for him, and now he has two struggles. First struggle is get out from the mundane world, to leave behind these investments behind. Now the new struggle comes into the spiritual world, in the spiritual places, because he will be facing a lot of seekers of well-being, with the same investments, that were there before, but with spiritual information. Information, not knowledge, information.

So the same struggle will come again, because he has to step aside from all of this. So it is, in a way, these days easy to see: As teachings come for improving life, for you to have a happy life, then you as a seeker of Truth, you can be sure that this has nothing to do with you. So whenever you see these teachings and these smiling faces and poses and all of this, get away as fast as you can. Because this does not respect the seriousness of the process of the seeker of Truth, Which is and will always be the most sacred thing that can be seen, experienced, lived and this deserves respect. So as a seeker of Truth, the most part of the time will be to uproot these needs of a circumstantial happiness, of improving life, and as this motivation is there, what Freedom can be there? You can be meditating, doing whatever or doing nothing, depending on what you are following as guidance. But as long as this work, this spiritual work is there for a better life, in ANY way, then you are just collecting your fruits and sending them away, collecting them and throwing them away. So this goes nowhere, you see? If you look around now, what is really the difference between a seeker of Truth or the seeker of wellbeing, well, a spiritual person and a material person with mundane investments?

And we make the distinction just for a better understanding. In fact these days there is not much difference.. There is no difference at all, if we look from higher grounds. But looking closely, you can find the difference that maybe it is about –some have spiritual information, others don’t. But their investments are the same, their goals are the same, which is happiness, human happiness, happy life, good relationships, all of this, - so no difference, you see? You look around and everybody is striving for Happiness, a happy life. Everybody is following what they believe that will take them there. EVERYBODY, no distinction. But the discovery, the realization that you will never, never be happy, you ARE Happiness, which something QUITE different, quite different. Circumstances will always be there, good, bad, it is relative of your point of understanding and this has nothing to do with Freedom, absolutely nothing to do with Freedom. So if your heart is longing for Freedom, respect this, take it seriously. Stop pretending. Because, you see, this has nothing to do with pretending. So these highest teachings “there’s nothing to be done”, they are true, but they have to be true for you!

And while it isn’t true, while you are still giving importance to all of these mundane things: The belief that you are the body, so the body needs to be accepted, needs to be loved, needs to be nurtured, needs to be protected, needs, needs, needs, needs, needs, needs.. As long as you belive in ANY of these needs, as long as you are making ANY of these efforts, then spiritual efforts have to be there also. Because if something is true for you - the other ALSO is. When the other one, when these investments are no longer important, this means you have cleared your fears, or the fears that were there, they no longer take importance, so now you are ready for this Silence, for this Stillness, for this “NOTHING else is important”, “There is nothing to be done.”

Before this state, you are far away from it, you are just deluding yourself. And there’s no problem to delude yourself, but you’re the one who is losing. And there is a great adventure in front of you, you see? So, “nothing ever happened.” Yes. “There is no creation.” Yes. “Nothing exists.” Yes. But still you find yourself there in the middle of all that doesn’t exist! What does this mean? Hm? Filling your mind with explanations robs you from the most important thing, which is the Seeing. The Seeing. A mind full of believes, cannot see. Is not able to see. So the motivation start from the beginning. Even if you have been forty years doing this whatever – start from the beginning! Because if the process is not alive, if there is not guidance there, so a few steps have been left behind. Come back and do it again. At ALL times, at all times be vigilant with your motivations... Ok.

~ Sriman Narayana

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